ECV Digital - 2015

JS/Algo lessons for the ECV Digital school

Welcome to my JS/Algo Courses.

This a very modest webpage easing the access to my courses. All the content produced for this course is hosted on Github.
Please, follow the links on this page to check them!

Before you check the course, understand that is not a course about the basic of programmation: All the notions like Loop, variables, functions etc. will not be covered from the beginner point of view.
But if you want to dive a little more into javascript, You might find those courses relevant for you.

In the GIT repository of this course, you can find a file listing all the topic seen and where you can find them in the different courses.
In every lesson's folder, you can also find a file suming up each course.

This course can also be used as materials for teachers needing sources or exercices, feel free to fork it!

Feel free to contribute if you find typos anywhere on this repository or even better, if you have links that are relevant in the context of this course.

Every slidedeck is built from a simple markdown file call thanks to revealjs. You can read course online thanks to Github.